Friday, August 24, 2007

August 24th

Today is a special day. I can't write much about it or I will cry for too long. Today was my Papa's birthday. Here is one of my favorite pictures of him & I on Sinclair Island.


Anonymous said...

How interesting! Today was Mike's grandmother's birthday. She passed in October of 2004. :( We were SO SO SO close to her!! It was so sad, and thinking about her brings a lot of memories... good and sad. She was like a mother to Mike. What a wonderful woman she was! Having her in my life was an incredible blessing! So, I know what this day brings. :(

Jenny said...

I will never forget him on your wedding day with an endless pack of gum making sure everyone had fresh breath. I know how important he was in your life and know you look forward to the day when you can see him again. My heart goes out to you, my dear.