Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coming LATER this winter...

Good job Shey for noticing my baby shrank. Well my baby did not technically shrink it just hadn't been there as long as I thought. Last week I did some blood work and my hormone levels were "almost off the charts" as they put it. They said it looked like I was right on target to what I thought about 10 weeks according to my hormone levels of HG that I was producing. (Hence the barfing contest I have been having with myself to see just exactly how sick and how long I can be nauseous). So yesterday I went to the doctor for my first ultrasound and they saw my little peanut in there. I was a bit discouraged (I had been on countdown as to how many more weeks i would be feeling nauseous) but very encouraged at this baby's strength, heartbeat and health (must be all those hormones!). So anyhow I am now due Jan 28th not Jan14th. I am 2 weeks less than I thought putting me at 9 weeks today. Good news is I am starting to feel a bit better. Had my first meal other than cereal, toast or fruit yesterday. Hurray! I think my saddest moment yesterday was changing my babystrology calendar. My beautiful little baby lost it's growing arms and now has stubbies again. Oh well. Maybe there was going to be an ice storm on Jan 14th.


Sheyb said...

LOL! Well, as of today, your baby now has arms and legs. No more stubs. ;) Glad to hear that you are feeling better!!! I never had too much nausea with either of my pregnancies, but as much as I despise throwing up... I feel so bad that you're going through it. :( But, this will pass, which is a good thing.

Ricci said...

Maybe you'll just deliver 2 weeks early. I did with both my boys ;)

Christina Wolkenfeld said...

Jan 28th is a great due date, it's my mom's b-day! :)