Friday, July 22, 2011

catch up late night edition

It is 7:40pm. That constitutes "late night" for me. I am almost ready for my bedtime. Except Aubrey Lynn is currently singing "old McDonald" over and over and over. She would be jumping except she got in trouble for that ten times already. She is in a hard phase that any nap will send her over the edge to the night time crazies where she cannot go to sleep. Kurto is at a house of prayer mtg so I am doing bedtime routine solo which is hard for me. It is Kurto's job and I am thankful for that. I love doing the 6am. Kurto is the nightwatch. so to speak. We are plugging away here and not too much going on. Israel has had Vacation Bible School this past week. He is in love with the worship & "rock" music as he puts it. He memorizes verses so fast it puts me to shame. I got out his sheet finally to start him memorizing the week verse day two and he knew it by heart already. Truly a gift of God because Lord knows that I honestly still have to look up my home phone number if someone was to ask for it. While most of the country is in a heat wave I love looking out every evening and watching the fog roll in. I open my windows (we don't have airconditioning) and actually put a sweatshirt on in the evenings. I am so thankful for this. I am trying to be thankful for the little things this week. Here are my top five. Then its over and out.
1. Aubrey snuck a bag full of trader joes pirates booty out of the back seat. When I opened her door to get her out she had two handfulls and little pieces everywhere. All she did was look at me, smile and say "Arrrrr". I love her.
2. Israel's two cousins accepted Jesus as their savior. Once I worked with a girl in a flower shop who was the only believer in her family. She told me she had accepted Jesus in her heart at vaction Bible School as a child with her neighbors church and it stuck with her, her entire life. VBS is bringing life to our kids and I love it.
3. Kurto gave Israel a certain 70's singer that I will not name. Lets just say it is NOT Michael W Smith or Amy Grant from my childhood. Izzy loves it and has listened to it every day while playing Legos. I keep tripping out everytime I walk into his room and have to remember that he is 6 yrs old with the drum beat of a twenty year old in him amd that I am ok with this.
4. Every Wednesday I go over to my parents house. I swim with my brother and sister and all of our kids. Kurto comes over for lunch on his lunch break from work and I am filled with grattitude for swimming in the same pool with my kids as I did when I was their age.
5. I got an MRI this week. I actually got two. And while I was inconvienenced by the apointment, time, going into the "space ship coffin", the iv and such I was so very thankful that this is a check up and not an intervention to the next step. He has been so faithful to me.

*update* aubrey is still singing: "old mcdonald had some cheese..."


Vanessa said...

I love you. :)

Christina Wolkenfeld said...

i love reading your posts!