Saturday, January 05, 2013

Hello 2013

Once again I am reminded by all those other resolutions out there in blogland that I blog to tell my story. My kid's story. Or what I would like to think of their story. I have neglected my heart because of this or that and today after a funeral and reflection starting 2013 seems to be a story that wants to come out. It wills itself in a way. Either that or I just need an excuse to tell the world that tonight while I wanted to be online looking at blogs or pinterest my eight year old trapped my three year old in the car laughing and she peed all over the place. Or the fact that I did floral work today but have no pictures to share because when really is the appropriate time to get in there and take pictures of flowers for my portfolio when people are grieving and crying. It is awkard and not worth it really. But in my selfish heart I wanted those pictures. Lately I am learning. Being stretched. Growing in love. With all the words out there people choose for their "word" for the year I hung on tight for something inspiring from heaven to ring out. Last night after a week of hushed nothing I sort of felt my word so to speak. BRAVE. And specifically it was different than "courage". I don't know how I know this I just knew. Courage: "The ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation." Brave: "Posessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance."( I love this! When the Holy Spirit was prompting my heart he didn't just give me a word to HOPE for. He gave me a word that implies that it is a gift that He has already given to me! I don't just have to face the year and pray for the ability! In Him I have a promise that I have COURAGE! Amazing! I feel like I have a double gift! Kurto & I are really leaning into 2013 with a hope for so many many dreams! And we are leaning into His heart & His promises! And the best ending to 2012 came in my sweet niece born Christmas week. I am auntie to the sweetest little girl & we are in love.

1 comment:

casey said...

I'm glad you're back :-)