Friday, October 01, 2010

recycling for James 1:27

It has really been on my heart to teach Israel practical ways to serve the poor. I desire for the commands of scripture to become simple adaptions in our family every day. James 1:27 burns in my heart on so many levels yet how am I walking this out? ("Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.")I can agree with scripture because the spirit that lives within me agrees. I can memorize it, put it on my fridge to remind me about it and I can even write a Bible study about it. The question becomes how do I live this? Kurto first really was the one to take this verse to heart when he worked with Derek. It became evident to our hearts that one day we would walk this out through adoption. With this settled I seemed to think that I somehow was walking out James 1:27 in some sort of future tense. Over the past few months I felt the conviction of the Lord so strongly. I am fully capable of walking this out now and not in some future context. God desires that I would be able to experience His Word in action in the present. I began to get discouraged because we live in a two bedroom apartment, month to month and adoption is not an option for who knows how long. Then one day the Holy Spirit reminded me in his kindness about world vision and how if I can't invite a child into our home I can walk this verse out through this child. I really wanted Israel to be involved in this. As he is growing he is curious about money and has a total self centered view on money (in a six year old way. five dollars = Lego's) I wanted to teach him to have a heart for the poor, and that our money is first God's money. So I went to World Visions web sight. It is amazing. We picked out a little boy, picked out his age and birthday and country. Izzy was so into this because the little boy is six years old, in first grade, born on his same birthday etc. Izzy writes him letters and is really interested in his life. In order to finance this I really wanted Izzy to give to him and to be a part of this so we came up with a plan to recycle. Every two weeks or so we take our cans/bottles/ to the recycle center. Each month it more than pays for our sponsor child. Israel gets a portion of the money for spending for himself and also contributes a portion to the sponsor child. It is putting a face for tithing to a six year old and it is putting a reality to James 1:27 to me. Go to world vision today! If you can't adopt, sponsor! I am not saying these things to brag on our choices or to pat myself on the back. I am saying these things with a heart that even if you don't think you can financially do things for others God still has a desire that you would. He still calls us to become creative in ways to walk out His scripture. Does anyone else have any ideas on how your family does this? Or does anyone else have practical ways to teach children how to serve the poor?


Ricci said...

Love the idea of recycling with Izzy for your sponsor kid. We have been sponsoring a child in Kenya since Miles was a year old, same age as him too. We felt it was the least we could do as well. I love this idea though of how to get my kids more involved in the support. Thanks for posting!

paperbackwriter said...

Although this is seasonal, we have adopt a family at work for Thanksgiving and Christmas and my coworkers and I are paired up with a family whom we buy food and gifts for. We also used to be paired with an elementary school in Santa Ana where we brought stocking stuffer gifts to the kids--we'd hang out with them for the day while they performed their Christmas play. Also used to volunteer with Orangewood Children's Home and St. Vincent De Paul (not sure if those last two would be as available to kids... Just some thoughts... Big brother's/big sisters usually does Angel tree also...