Monday, May 05, 2008

Izzy talk

Yesterday was a hilarious day in Izzyworld. Some wonderful moments of being a mom...

We were watching the revival and Izzy and I were singing along worshiping. Izzy was jumping up and down. The enemy's been defeated, death couldn't hold you down, I'm gonna lift my voice in victory... shout out to God with the voice of CHINA, shout out to God with a voice of praise..." It was so cute. He just kept saying it but it was heartfelt so whatever. God likes China & God likes my son praising Him.

Izzy & my great find this weekend was .50 cents game of connect four. It has been really fun to teach him. I asked him what was on the checker. He looked at it intently and said "a star". I asked him what was on the other side. He said with just as much enthusiasm "a squirrel".

Izzy has had a scab on his nose. The other night it came off and a frantic Izzy ran down the stairs announcing "my nose has a stain on it. Get it off. I don't like my nose stain!"

1 comment:

Christina Wolkenfeld said...

i thought of you guys tonight, the revival was on and they were singing that song that Izzy redid to include China. As they were singing Todd stopped and said we need to pray for people that have come here from China. Maybe Izzy is in tune with the Holy Spirit more than we think! :)